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The home page gives direct access to all functions such as:

  • Discover provides direct access to the data. See the "Discovering Data" section.
  • Visualize provides access to the list of all visuazations
  • Dashboard provide access to the lastest open Dashboard
  • Management allows access and modification of all setting of OpenSearch and all objects stored (searches, visuaizations and dashboards)

If you have any doubt, please have a look to the Centralized Opensearch docs provided by the IT-OS team.


For the clusters handling private data ( access is managed using e-groups. In general for a given tenant, there will be two extra e-groups created:

  • es-timber-\<tenant>_kibana: Provides read only access to people assigned to it
  • es-timber-\<tenant>_kibana_rw: Provide read/write access to people assigned to it

These egroups are generally assigned to the person that requested the tenant creation as owner and to monit-support as an admin egroup, which means that the requester should be able to manage them as required to provide access to the resources.

Data discover

All documents available in OpenSearch are visible in the Discover Panel of the Opensearch portal in the section with the "monit_prod_*" patterns. Selecting one pattern you will choose the data displayed (e.g "monit_prod_fts_ern_complete_* to see the FTS transfers enriched data). You will then be able to see all fields in each document. These fields are those used for all the searches, visualizations and the filters in the Opensearch dashobards in this portal.