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Using Exporters

The new version of the monit agent will allow to use exporters in order to gather metrics that will be scrapped and forwarder by fluentbit.

Adding new exporters

Eventhough the Prometheus module allows to configure exporters installation based on downloading the resources, we recommend that they are packaged and put under the monit-exporters tag in Koji.

In order to do that please: - Check the contents of the tag to understand if the exporter you would like to use is available. - If it's not, you can find an example on how to build a new package from sources in the systemd_resolved_exporter repository. - You will need to subscribe the account you will use for the build into the "monit-exporters-koji-maintainers" egroup. - Check if the configuration is available in the Prometheus module - If not available: - If the plugin is generic (i.e not CERN specific), add it to the Prometheus module - If the plugin is CERN specific, add the configuration inside the Monitoring module

Enable sending data to MONIT

If you are running the new monitoring agent and outputting to the OTLP endpoint you can enable the agent to send data by configuring a new fluentbit resource.

fluentbit::input::prometheus_scrape { "monit-agent-${port}":
    configfile   => '/etc/fluent-bit/monit-agent/input_prometheus_scrape_<exporter>.conf',
    port         => $port,
    tag          => 'monit.metrics.prom.service.<exporter>',
    service_name => 'fluent-bit@monit-agent.service',